Sunday, May 31, 2009

UPW UPDATE..Prayers Needed

Please pray for my Uncle Petey tonight..this weekend..on Friday we got a call that they had taken him to the ER b/c he had pulled his trach out..but when Dad and I got there..he assured us he did not..he coughed and it came out..which with as hard as he was coughing..I could see that happening! He was so tired and pitiful! My heart just aches for him in that condition. He mouthed several things to use..several we understood and several we did not. He would get very frustrated and tell us "NEVERMIND"..and we got that! LOL..I was his main air adjuster. They had the air on 80 crazy is an ER? When I am sick, I want to be cool..and 80 is just crazy. For a trach patient the recommended temp is 65 before we left, it was down to 70..he sure appreciated that! They ended up admitting him due to an UTI infection, and a lowgrade fever. After admitting him they discovered a staph infection, dehydrated, and a low white blood count. He had been doing better and even ate a few chips of ice this is so frustrating to do well and then have a setback. So, he is still in the hospital tonight and needs prayers like never before! I enjoyed seeing him even in those circumstances and getting to tell him so much about Brylee and how she prays for him all the time! He just done my heart good! Pray for mom and dad as well as they are staying with him at night now...The Lord is good and all is done according to His will!