Saturday, January 3, 2009

Something New for a Few Days

This is the Hill's blog, this is our life, this is our record..and I plan really soon to publish it in a book. Will anyone buy it? Doubt it..probably won't even be for sale, but will be in our possession for many generations to come. I am thankful this blog world has given me an opportunity to record the little things we might have forgotten in our lives. So that leads me to my next endeavour, since I had previously blogged on myspace, I have several blogs I would like to include on this blog. I will begin doing that in the next few days. I will post the actual date it was written, but it was important at one time, and I do want to have in in my current blog. Please forgive me if you have read it before, and if you have not read them..ENJOY!

Sunday, March 19, 2006
First Blog
Current mood: chipper
Category: Life
Okay...let's see..Brylee stayed at her first babysitter last night (that wasn't family). It is friends we have had since I was like 2, but still not family...she did GREAT! She was the life of the 50-60 Sunday School party and made a few older ones feel young again! Kenny and I went with friends to a play at the Atlanta Civic Center! We had a blast! Almost late b/c of I-75...but we made it!!! I hate ATL traffic!!! We had a fun "date" But we both missed Brylee terribly! We hurried to get her after the show! She is still got a snotty nose, and I was sure it was allergies, but now I think it might be a cold! All we have done for 2 days is wipe snot!!! Anyways...that is all that is going on here,,,just wanted to post since I haven't...oh yea...class of 99 girls,,,check out my new pics...we found one on an old disc of some of us at Memory Day 98! Too cute!!!!!

Saturday, April 29, 2006
Georgia Aquarium
Current mood: disappointed
We went to the Georgia Aquarium today. I was not impressed, especially since it is supposed to be the "world's largest aquarium" has to be square footage wise, because as far as I am concerned the Tennessee Aquarium had much more to offer. It did have a beluga whale and a few sharks that were interesting, but that was about it. We were in and out in an hour and a half...Kenny thinks they might be going to add on some more things. So anyways, at least we went and got to see the beautiful colors...brylee loved it especially the penguins. She was more interested in the people around her than the animals! HA...did you know that certain fish start out female and then can become male?????? STRANGE!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Moving Again
Current mood: thankful
Okay so we are moving again! I feel like a mixture between a gypsie and a military brat! Poor Brylee, she has lived in Daphne, Scottsboro, Atlanta, and now Enterprise all before she is one year old! But all moves have been for the better. Kenny and the head coach at Tri-Cities were offered positions in Enterprise Alabama which is about 30 miles from Troy and Dothan. They were given deals they couldn't refuse and the staff and superintendent have been AWESOME to us!!! It is always a hardship and a struggle when you move, b/c you want to make the right move, but everytime we have moved the perfect house or job is always waiting, so it makes you think you are doing the right thing or either the Devil continues to paint a pretty picture. We looked at a house last week there and as luck would have it, the couple is moving in perfect timing for us to move in May 31. So we will be packing and moving so Kenny can begin work June 1. Nothing can be worse as far as my job goes than it is here. I feel like I have been a glorified babysitter, parole officer, counselor, mother etc...but definitely not a teacher!!!! It has been awful! The kids, staff and parents are out of control and word to the wise, if anyone ever offers you a position at any place close to "college park, where they chop cars",,,,DO NOT TAKE IT!!!!! So just continue to pray for us in this endeavor we are taking again! Pray that we will find a good daycare, friends, and church that we can serve our Lord and Savior! A friend once said....
Life is good... couldn't be better.. We definitely have no complaints. Despite our sinfulness and constant mistakes the Lord continues to bless us, love us and claim us as His...what a GLORIOUS thing!!
I couldn't put that any better...God is good and we thank him for all his love, grace and mercy!!!!!!!