Wow..we had a fast, busy, but fun weekend! Kenny left on Friday morning headed to the University of Alabama's basketball camp, so of course..since I hate being by myself, my wonderful mother in law came down to stay with Brylee and I. She got here in record time...I think she should try out for Nascar! Really! On Saturday, we began with Brylee cooking breakfast, taking her outside to explore. Before I knew it, Brylee was swimming in a bucket! Yes, a bucket! Reba always has fun ideas that no one else would think of. So instead of using her $16 pool, Brylee used the $3.99 bucket that Nanna decided to fill with water. So, after we finally convinced her to come inside, we got our baths and headed shopping. We stopped at Smoochies for lunch and ice cream..which was wonderful. Then we headed to Walmart. Got a few things we needed then it was time for Jake's bday party. Jake is Brylee's best friend! He turned 3 and we had a great time there. After the party, Nanna gave Brylee money to go shopping..she ended up with a Dora doll for the bathtub, frogs, centipedes, paint set, shorts, cash register, jewlery box and a lot of goodies from the dollar tree. She had a blast shopping with her purse and paying for stuff..she thought she was hot stuff! LOL..Sunday morning, we went to church and had a great service..Bro. Billy preached on how great is our God! Eph 3:20..and it was perfect for the day! My dear friend Tracy set next to us (I knew something was up, b/c her beautiful smile was missing from the choir) and she went on to tell me that her friend Leah had her baby on Saturday. I won't go into all the details, b/c I would be afraid to misquote here is her new blogspot I encourage you to visit it and pray for this sweet girl to continue thriving and to amaze us all! Tracy has such a sweet spirit and I am very lucky to have her as my friend..and I know that the Killingsworth's cherish her as well. When Bro. Billy preached that message, I thought wow, that couldn't have been any better for the day! Our God can do ANYTHING! After church, we headed to good old Creekside! I can't wait for you all to visit so we can treat you to this wonderful establishment. By the time we got home, it wasn't long and our wonderful hubby/daddy got home from camp. We were all thrilled to see him..we miss him when he is gone, but that was the last camp (other than Bham,,,which isn't a big deal) for the summer. We are headed home Tuesday night to celebrate the 4th and Brylee's birthday party on Saturday. I will be back on as soon as possible to post pictures from that trip! I hope you all have a great week and a great 4th of July!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Weekend with Nana
Posted by Brysmommy, Kenswifey at 10:22 AM 3 comments
Sunday, June 22, 2008
2 Reasons You are Born...To Accept Christ and To tell of His Love
I have definitely had a great weekend/visit with my parents. I always love to see the joy and excitement on Brylee's face when she visits with them. Her Poppa will do anything she wants to at anytime..there is no telling her no..she is spoiled rotten when he is around. We didn't do a whole lot Mushroom...Walmart! But, it was a pleasant day and we enjoyed eachothers company. Bro. Billy was not at church today b/c Will (his son) was home from Iraq. So we had a guest preacher who was the interim before Billy. I will have to admit at first I was a little skeptical and thought he would be long winded and not...well...not what I thought I needed today..(Does that make sense)...anyway..he was an older man with white hair and moved kinda slow up the steps. He opened the Bible..and we stood for the reading of God's your Bibles to Revelation..and then I really thought..uh oh..we will be here for a while and it will be one of those hellfire and brimstone messages (which there is absolutely nothing wrong with that!!!! Just not what I "thought" I needed for today..and I thought I will have to keep looking at my cohorts..Kenny, Dad, and Mom and make sure they stay awake! HA..well, of course..God showed up and put me in my place..This man was an awesome man of God and preached the truth..and IT HIT HARD!!! In Revelation, he mentioned the realness of Hell and the fact that it is there, and will be there for all who do not accept Jesus as Lord...He went on to talk about us as the CHURCH..and that the Church is not bricks and mortar..and a building..but that WE are the CHURCH..and WE are the CHURCH Wherever we go, whatever we do and whomever we are with. We are the CHURCH and the Only Church that some people may ever think of the many people we come into contact with, work with, hang out with and even go to church with. Our lives are a living testimony of the love that Jesus Christ has done in our lives. We, as the Church, hold the Keys to the kingdom and are sometimes afraid to use it! We make up all kinds of excuses for not witnessing or living our lives for Christ. He made the comment...we are here for two give our lifes to Christ..and to tell the world about HIM...we have missionaries all over, but sometimes the biggest need is right here in our homes and in our communities...Standing up for Christ and telling others should be the easiest thing for us to do, but why does it seem so hard sometimes? We, AS Christians, have been commissioned by our Lord to GO and TELL the world! In Matthew 28, He not only tells us that, but He also tells us that He will be with us always! So why do we tighten up and try not to hurt anyones feelings or keep our salvation and the Many things Christ does for us everyday to ourselves? Especially when HE is with us!
I pray that ALL of my friends and family know Christ..and if you don't, I would love to tell you about Him and what He can do in your life..b/c I know what He has done in mine! He shows up everyday..and I do not give Him enough credit! When everything that is good is of Him! I hope and pray that I will always show His love to EVERYONE where I go..He loves us ALL..and He has forgiven us can we not love ALL and Forgive ALL?????
I don't know how you are feeling today, I just felt convicted when I heard this message..b/c God has been TOO good to me and my family for me to be quiet..I hope and pray that my ramblings are of some sort of encouragement to you as they are to me...It feels good to type it out and make myself more aware of my shortcomings! B/c there are many! Have a great Monday!!!
p.s. Funny for Brylee: We get in the car to go to school...she wants her Bible..I tell her we are going to school not closed mommy? Yep..We will go later..K Mommy! I love this precious child..You know we are still potty training..things are looking better...but she def. wanted to get a "star" for pee-peeing in the she sits on the potty...looks down..and after many attempts of pushing..she yells "GO...GO"..I had to run out of the bathroom to keep from her seeing me laugh! And of course..she just didn't have to go!
Posted by Brysmommy, Kenswifey at 11:06 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 21, 2008
WHAT is floating in the water???
Posted by Brysmommy, Kenswifey at 3:22 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Give Unto Others..Sequel! :)
Well, I have to say this first..God is So Good!!! I wrote my blog about the couch..and found myself in a predicament...I had told a teacher from Brylee's school that she could look at it and had already told her the price of $ I kept putting off her looking at it. Just because I was asking God to help me find the perfect person to inherit it...Well, this morning..I started thinking..I'll let her come and look at it..and maybe she either A.) won't like it... or B.) Kenny will say that we need to sell it immediately. I don't know what I was thinking..I guess that I really could use $200..and that would def. get me to and from Scottsboro one extra time..I know it was def. the devil playing with my forward..our mutual friend Amy called and said the precious lady wanted to come and look at it here I am thinking what shall I do...I agreed for her to come and "look" at it. She came..loved it...and began to tell me her story..after 19 years of a not so good marriage..she and her husband were getting a divorce..and all of her furniture belonged to his she really had nothing when moving out..She didn't go into details, nor did I ask her to..but I could see in her eyes she "needed" that couch..she didn't know if I knew all this about her (I didn't)...and said she was hoping I would take payments for the couch! (Can you feel the Lord here????) My answer to my question..was her the whole time and I was running from it and trying to weasel out of it...Well, I immediately started crying and so did she..we were 2 crying maniacs in the garage! I explained to her how this was laid on my heart last week and I had prayed for God to give me the right person..and I really felt it was her..We hugged and she thanked me more than she should've..I told her it was def. a God thing and He had worked it out..I know nothing about this woman..but I do know that she was placed in my life for that particular moment and I pray that she will know and feel our Savior's Love during this transaction. She will be picking it up next week..and I couldn't be more happier right now! Just posted this so that you guys could experience the joy of our Father's Work with me! Boy, I fall in love with Him more and more each day! to the pool we shall go!!!
Posted by Brysmommy, Kenswifey at 5:08 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
Conversation with a 3 year old! Part 2
We are going through some boot camp potty training..b/c I am tired of pullups..she stays dry at school, but comes home and wants to put pullups we are in day 2 of panties...she is making it pretty good..she gets stars on her chart when she pottys and gets 2 if she boo boos in the potty (she hans't got 2 at a time yet)! But every 5 Min..she says she has to we let her go and we reward it even if it is a drizzle...if we hear or see it, the job is star worthy! Well, today she has to go peeeeeeeeeee while we are outside..she sits on the throne and passes gas...
Brylee: Mommy, did you hear it?
Mommy: Yes
Brylee: Did you "mell" it?
Mommy: NO...I did not!
Brylee: Yes you did!
Brylee: I not like panties..I wear pullups
Mommy: No, baby you have to wear panties!
Her eye starts itching at this point...she scratches for a minute and says..."My eye is getting on my nerves" Paaaaaahaaaaa!
We go back outside and there is a very nice couple with a dog walking in the neighborhood..Brylee thinks she has to introduce herself to everyone..which she is generally good at...
Nice Couple: Hey..How are yall?
The Hill's: We're good, how about yall?
Brylee: What's your name? (Doesn't give them time to answer) and says, "My name is Ryan"!
She is in love with Ryan who babysits her during ballgames and they love eachother..Ryan is a sweet little girl and we adore her..But the fact that my child is already changing her name...
Mommy: No, your name is Brylee
Brylee: No it's not, my name is Ryan (which sounds like Brian when she says it)
I went to clean out our fish bowl..and well, he took a trip to the garbage I scream..the fish is ....and I stop..Brylee says what Mommy..where's the fish...Just kidding Brylee..he's right here..So Kenny and I frantically try to save this fish that is flopping around in the drain..we can't grab Kenny goes to get the TWEEZERS! Absolutely not Kenny..I keep trying and thankfully get the little lifeless thing..throw him back in the water and he was literally gasping for could see his little lungs working my father in law informs me that he will survive but probably have a little brain damage! Oh my! Poor thing! Next time Kenny will clean the bowl!
Our laughs never stop at this house..I assure you that! Brylee and I made Kenny a cake for Father's Day..which was very ghastly looking, but's the thought that counts! He got a playstation game (I know..isn't he 30?..but he loves it), A devotion book for Fathers, underwear and several homemade items from Brylee..those are the best..and the ones he treasures the most...I have tried to throw small things away or cards..and he says no, no..I'll put it up. He is a great daddy to Brylee and we are very fortunate to have him. It is very evident that Brylee loves him with all her heart and he loves her with all of his! It is amazing how a little girl can wrap her daddy so fast and so tight! He is not perfect and doesn't claim to be..but he is just perfect for Brylee and myself! We love him just the way he is and thank God for his love and patience with the both of us! I had a very special relationship with my daddy and still do! I am a definite daddy's girl..and I love him and hope his day was a good as it could be (working..and we weren't there) but he knows we love him! I can't wait to watch the bond as it grows between Brylee and Kenny! Well, I am off for today...
Posted by Brysmommy, Kenswifey at 7:33 PM 3 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
Give Unto Others...NOT!!
Ha! I crack myself up with that title...I decided that it was time to start teaching Brylee about giving to others who are less fortunate...generosity..and teaching her how we are truly blessed to have all that we have...Her closet, drawers and toy boxes are overflowing! I can't even keep her room clean..b/c there is nowhere to put them. She doesn't play with half the toys she has and isn't really interested in toys..she would rather take the door knob apart and figure out how to work it...She does like her dolls and she likes her computer stuff...and puzzles..but other than that..she really doesn't value the worth of the I thought we would dump her toy box out last night and start going through it and seperating what she actually plays with and starting a pile for what she doesn't play with to give to some less fortunate children. HA!!! Try telling a 3 year old that your going to give HER toys to another kid! I guess she really doesn't understand the meaning of sacrifice (which it wasn't a true sacrifice, b/c I was giving the toys she doesn't play with away) or the meaning of less fortunate..
With every toy I picked up, I heard, "I need that Mommy", "That's Mine Mommy", "That Not Trash"! (I had a garbage bag to put them in) Finally with much persuasion, I convinced her that she doesn't need all those toys and that she would make another child really happy if she would give them some toys because they don't have any! We managed to get a garbage bag full and the next task will be actually giving them away! I pray that she will learn the importance of this lesson and not hold it against her Mommy for "giving her toys away".
Which leads me to the next point..a blog I follow....she was teaching her children the same thing and in return her children asked her to give up her most prized possession, her Coach Purse. She agreed and it is on Ebay and the last bid I saw was over $500..which she will be donating to the Hope Charity. I think that is awesome, but I have to ask myself, through teaching this to Brylee, am I really teaching her to be that way, or am I teaching myself to sacrifice. We have recently bought a new couch and oversized chair with an ottoman (spelling?) and my old ones are in my garage. I have had a price tag on them of $200..with several potential buyers...but I can think of many who NEED it but couldn't afford it, so with much prayer, I am going to ask God to lay on my heart who He would like to have it. It is in very Good condition..and I am ashamed of myself for not already passing it on. Now, I have always given clothes away, but at the same time, had that in the back of my mind how Icould have made a few dollars off of it, Isn't it funny how good God is to us, and we can be so lax and expect it? I am no better than any person who needs that and I could be the one sitting on a box and not have a place to lay my head. I hope this will be a first of my sacrifices..Sacrifice is a hard word for me b/c I am an only child, but I do understand the sacrifice my Lord and Savior gave for me and ALL people! And I do understand the great sacrifices that have been given for my eternal I hope that the following verse will ring true in your heart as in mine.....
Each of you must give what you have decided in your heart, not with regret or under compulsion, since God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7
Posted by Brysmommy, Kenswifey at 10:28 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Happy 3rd Birthday Brylee!!!
Posted by Brysmommy, Kenswifey at 7:14 AM 2 comments
Sunday, June 8, 2008
A Wedding Weekend To Remember
We are back from St. Simons Island, Georgia! We had a blast! I must admit...I was a little worried thinking we were traveling extremely far for just a wedding. I probably wouldn't think much of it if 1.) gas wasn't $4 a gallon and if 2.) we were going somewhere we had been before. This was a new adventure for all of us (aka..required mapquest) and I wanted to make as much of a vacaiton out of it as I could. We left Friday morning..and returned Sunday evening. When we arrived, Brylee was extremely excited because her Nenne and Poppa were there to greet her. All of my worries had vanished when we pulled up to the apartment. I say apartment, b/c it kinda was. We stayed at a Christian conference and retreat center. Epworth by the Sea was an awesome place and I totally recommend it to any of you that may be looking for a place to take a youth group or for you to "get away from it all!" While we were there, several groups were there as well. It was a great place and very neat! There was a nice little fishing bridge..and I just had to take a picture of the woman fishing. She didn't say a word the whole time we watched her..but she was thouroughly enjoying herself. Another couple were crab fishing..this was a pretty disgusting idea to me...1.) they put raw chicken gizzards in a basket and throw it in the water to the bottom of the ocean/lake (we are still debating on this one..if it was an ocean or lake) and scrape it until crabs come to the basket. Which totally disgusted me, but glad to see they were enjoying it so!
We had the rehearsal dinner on Friday night..Mrs. Anna(as Bry calls her) and Mr. George cooked the whole dinner from an apt. size stove and did a fantastic job! Country boil was the theme..with gumbo, potatoes, rice, corn, and several different cakes. It was fantastic! Everyone was bragging on the job they did under the circumstances they were given! Here are a few shots from that evening.
Later that night..Mom, Dad, Kenny and myself decided to take Brylee to the ocean to see what all it offered...they had a fantastic playground, we walked on the pier, and along the coastline to the lighthouse where the wedding would take place the next morning. Here are a few shots from that night.
I would not recommend going to this island or Jekyll Island for a "beach vacation". Earlier I mentioned "ocean/river" for a reason. The beach was almost muddy with a mixture of freshwater and ocean...the sand was hard...there were waves..but only for a small amount of the day. When the tide comes in, it completely takes away the beach! All the way to the rocks. We forgot our camera when we went to the I found these pictures of the island online for you...
Yes! Dogs were allowed on the beaches! Which was most disgusting to me! The water was like river water and the sand was just dirty! Kenny explained to me that it was mainly an estuary. Which is where saltwater and freshwater basically we were in a glorified lake! I should have known it wasn't a "real" beach when this sign was posted.... Okay, I shall complain no more!!!!Here are 2 beautiful shots of the beach at night the day...I took these myself...
the right one is messed up b/c of the lights...I have to get a better flash!
It is absolutely beautiful and breath taking at night! People just walk along the sidewalk and watch/listen to the water crash into the rocks! There was a guy sitting out playing his guitar and people would stop to listen, families with kiddos on shoulders, sweet young and sweet older couples walking, and just the beauty of God's creation all around. It was amazing the peace and presence I felt while walking..I would actually slow down and take a picture of something...just to smile and walk with Him. The lighthouse is one of a few working lighthouses. It still shines out across the ocean and leads wayward ships to the shore. I couldn't get the old song that says.." I thank God for the lighthouse..I owe my life to Him, for Jesus is the lighthouse...from the rocks of sin...He has shown his love around me, so that I can clearly see...if it wasn't for the lighthouse..where would this ship be"....He is our lighthouse and He is the way..and it was amazing to see it and know that it represents something bigger to me. Here's a few shots from it.
On Saturday morning..the big day came EARLY!!! 6:30 EARLY WHICH WAS 5:30 OUR TIME. We had to be at the site by 7:30 for pictures. Brylee was such a trooper all day! She woke up ready good..and was the epitome of a flower girl! Becca gave Brylee her very own REAL pearl necklace and bracelet. She wore it with pride and knew what her job was and accomplished it like a big girl! She was with the bridesmaids and the bride and was hot stuff! She smiled and posed for pictures all day long...The walk for Brylee was a long walk by the rocks leading into the ocean (which she loves), so we thought it would be best if she walked with the maid of honor. She held her hand and her head up and was fantastic! During the wedding..she even stood still...a few times she would bend down and pick something up..we had no clue what she was doing. During the ceremony...the preacher Josh did an awesome job! He and his beautiful wife were such lovely people...Becca and Chad took a moment and prayed with and for eachother..That was very neat! They are both strong Christians..and I can't wait to see how He uses them as a couple in ministry! Afterwards, the father of the bride came to us and told us to check Brylee's basket...we grabbed it..lifted the flowers..and wouldn't you know it..she had rocks, unidentified bugs, and roly polies she had captured before and during the wedding! Paaaahaaaa...pearls and a dress...but that didn't stop her collecting! Here are a few pics from the wedding.
Afterwards, they had a beautiful wedding reception brunch..(remember the wedding was at 9:10 a.m.) We left and took Brylee to the beach. After we decided it wasn't worth the $3 we paid to get on the island..we returned to the retreat so she could swim. They had a very large pool...and she had a blast! Mom had the bright idea that we should go rent bikes and go ride around the retreat (it was a huge private property with lots of accommodations/meeting rooms). We rented 4 with a child seat..which Kenny and Daddy rotated....depending on who Brylee wanted at the moment...we rode for an hour...and I have to admit..that was so much fun! Mom and I almost got lost in the wooded trail area...and we both ran off the road several times. No major accidents..other than my booty is sore today! Looking at nature was another time I was reflecting on the beauty of God's hand at work! The trees grew together and branched out all over the place..Here are a few photos from our ride.
Mom and Dad got up this morning to head to Chattanooga. My Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Jim celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary today! 50 years..and they are still happily married and loving eachother. We hated that we couldn't go, but it would have been a 12 hour round trip for us if we would have and Kenny has to work on Monday. So..Happy Anniversary to Carolyn and Jim! We love yall! We got up and left by 11 am. Brylee told every tree, stop sign, bike, office, and pool goodbye as we pulled out. She had a fun filled weekend..and that makes me so happy! Nothing makes me happier than to see her laugh and have a wonderful time! The only part I hate is when her Poppa and Nenne leaves. She cries and gets pretty emotional..but we assure her she will see them later..and she is okay with that. The drive home was just as pleasant as the whole weekend. We didn't have a lot of traffic and got to see some citys and towns we might not have ever seen. So all in all, it was a WONDERFUL TIME! She was an amazingly beautiful bride!
We thank the Tatum family for allowing us to be apart of their special day. We love them like family..and thank God for friends like that!
Posted by Brysmommy, Kenswifey at 5:30 PM 1 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Conversation with a 3 year old!
On the way to school this morning...Brylee and I had the most interesting conversation...It was hilarious...thought I would share...
Mommy: Brylee, do you want a biscuit?
Brylee: No Mommy, not now...I'll eat biscuit later...okay?
Mommy: Sure can eat it later!
Brylee: Look Mommy...there's a bus...(the bus is coming from the direction of our church)..Mommy, bus take kids to church????...
Mommy: Yes it could be...
Brylee: But Church closed (I have to tell her this often, b/c she always wants to go to church)
Brylee: I don't like the trees..(there were trees along both sides of the road)
Mommy: Why Brylee?
Brylee: Because I don't like them...make them go away!
Mommy: I can't
Brylee: Why?
Mommy: We need trees
Brylee: Why?
Mommy: So that we can breathe and have shade
Brylee: Why Mommy?
Mommy: Just because we do, and God put them there for us
Brylee: Look is a Mommy truck!
Mommy: Huh? What is a mommy truck?
Brylee: Right there....and she points to a red chevy silverado!
Question: Do I look like a red chevy silverado to you? Why did she assume it was a mommy truck? Was it b/c it was red? As a child, I thought cats were girls and dogs were boys! Humm..let me know what you think on this!
Posted by Brysmommy, Kenswifey at 8:43 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Today..Brylee began gymnastics! She was a hoot...she wasn't too sure to at first..but quickly warmed up and was a hit! She rolled, flipped, hung, walked on a balance beam, and followed most directions from her teachers. Parents have to sit is in a huge building..and the room has full windows so you can see everything...they let first timers take I, of course, was snapping away..I kept hearing..."Wait Brylee", "Get in line Brylee", "Stay in order Brylee"..and I thought..oh now..this may not work...but then I heard "Great Job Brylee".."You can really balance Brylee" and she quickly saw what was happening..made a few friends...and can't wait to go back. When I put her leotard on her..she said "I look Cute!" I admit, she did, but it was hilarious that she actually knew it. Went to the gym to meet Kenny and she was very anxious to show him her new stunts..went to Smoochies for dinner and ice cream..and of course she performed for the restaurant as well. She loves her "nymnastics" as she calls it. I feel like she is growing up too fast and time is truly flying by.
We will be traveling this weekend..Brylee is the flower girl in a wedding..(that should be interesting in itself)...the wedding is on St. Simons the romantic...and an unusual is on 06-07-08 @ 9:10 in the morning! Very neat couple..and it is so Becca to do it like that! Can't believe our "little Chad" is getting married! Congratulations to them..and we wish them years of happiness!
I found a very inspirational blog. It was on my friend's sister's blog..and I went to it last night..and couldn't stop reading until I finished all of her is a blog written by the wife of a member of Selah, Todd and Angie...she carried a child that she knew would not make it and her blog is AMAZING!!! You should def. check it out.... I was amazed at the strength, love and grace God gave her during this time in her life! On the same note, I just finished the book "Mistaken Identity"..finished it in 2 days..couldn't put it down..they also used their situation to do nothing other than glorify God...Awesome book!
Well, I guess that is all for today! Check back after the wedding for the update on Brylee Jayde's performance as a flower girl! She will be beautiful since Ann made her the most adorable dress with a blue sash, but if she will make it down the aisle or not, I don't know...just another "Moment in the Life of a Hill"
Posted by Brysmommy, Kenswifey at 8:17 PM 1 comments